The mask slips – Cindy all alone…



poor little Cindy

Poor Cindy Sheehan. In my more charitable moments I jsut think of her as a borderline woman driven over the border by grief. In my more lucid moments I think she was always a overly dramatic, grandstanding pain in the ass. She must have been loads of fun at parties during the holidays. You can hear her now whining about how someone ruined her Thanksgiving and “we can’t have nice things!”.

Anyway, all during what passed for a “peace movement” many in the press did their level best to whip Cindy into something important. Simultaneously the idiots at tried desperately to use her 15 minutes of fame as a cinder they could whip up into something. I honestly don’t know what they were thinking because she has all the charisma of a dead rabbit belt and is as anti-Semitic as a skinhead.

They tried and tried. They shot pictures from odd angles to try and make it look like lots of people were at her rallies. They tried to claim that she was at the head of a movement. They tried in every way to paint her as being widely supported. They (some media organizations) were bordering on fraudulent (I am being nice) to try and make her an issue.

Then the mask slipped, just a little. And we got to see how sad and pathetic the whole charade is. Of course, Cindy and her handlers cried foul. Too funny.